Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Deity: Four Taka Deities

Ten Wrathful Ones

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Four Taka Deities:
--- Yamantaka
--- Prajnantaka
--- Padmantaka
--- Vighnantaka
- Four Door Guardians
- Ten Wrathful Ones
- Confusions
- Others...

- The Four Taka Deities
- Vighnantaka, Killer of Obstacles
- Yama, Yamantaka, Yamari & Vajrabhairava

The Taka Deities, or more precisely ‘antaka’, as a group are most often found as the four door guardians for many Tantric Buddhist mandalas. There are different systems of description for the precise appearance of the four deities based on the various tantra sources. According to the Hevajra tradition of the Ten Wrathful Ones which includes the four deities they appear in the east, Yamantaka, blue, holding a hammer; south, Prajnantaka, white, holding a mace; west, Padmantaka, red, holding a lotus; and north, Vighnantaka, blue, holding a vajra.

Jeff Watt 1-2025