Vajrakila Masterworks
- Art History
- Iconography
- Religious Context
- Vajrakila: Peg Wielding Deity. Part 1
- Vajrakila: Peg Wielding Deity. Part 2
- Vajrakila: A Bridge Between Traditions
- Kila/Purba 'Peg'
- Kila Peg & Mount Meru
Vajrakila Profile:
Gender: Male
Identity: Individual deity (not a class/category)
Tantra Class: Anuttarayoga Tantra
Source Text: Vajrakila-mula-tantra-khanda, Kila Vidyottama Tantra, Chitta-guhya-kaya Tantra
Function/activity: Ishtadevata (Meditational Deity)
Metaphor: Subjugation
Special Characteristics:
Appearance: Wrathful
Colour: Blue black
Attributes: Kila peg
Consort: Dipta Chakra
Figures Underfoot: Ishvara and Uma
Sanskrit: Vajrakila
Vajrakila, Heruka (Tibetan: dor je phur ba, trag tung. English: Vajra Peg, Blood Drinker). Also known as Vajra Kumara (Vajra Youth) or Vajrakilaya, he is the activity aspect from the set of Eight Herukas (Tib.: ka gye) of the Mahayoga Tantras of the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and a principal meditational deity for both the Nyingmapa and Sakyapa, later taken up by the Jonang and many of the various Kagyu Traditions. The study of Vajrakila can be divided into three major subjects: (1) the early Nyingma and Sakya Traditions, (2) the later 'Revealed Treasure' (Terma) traditions and (3) the Purba Drugse Chempa of the Bon Religion.
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Jeff Watt 11-2000 [updated 5-2017, 2-2020]