In 1073 Khon Konchog Gyalpo built the first temple named the Gorum Zimchi Karpo which was the foundation of the Sakya tradition. The date 1073 marks the beginning of the name "Sakya." The family, the hereditary leaders of the lineage, are known by three names, Lha Rig, Khon and Sakya. The Sakya tradition has two principal sub-schools, the Ngor and Tsar, along with others such as the Dzongpa, Bulug, Bodong and Jonang. All of the sub-schools have administration that is independent of the principal Sakya tradition of Lhakang Chenmo, Sakya Town, Tibet. Many of the Sakya sub-schools are also entwined with the lineage of the Shangpa Kagyu tradition.
"The Sakya tradition was established by the Five Great Masters (Tib: rJe.tzun., who based their teachings on those of the conquering Yogi, the Great Virupa. They also followed the teachings of Naropa and Dorje Denpa [Vajrasana], etc. and held the Sutra and Tantra lineages of many other great Indian scholars and Saints. The Sakya Tradition also came to practise some of the Nyingma 'old' translations of the Tantras, such as (Pure Dagger [Vajrakila]), which became part of the Khon Tradition. Similarly, many other extraordinary and sublime teachings still exist today, their lineages unbroken.
Sakya Pandita, the crown ornament of all the Learned Ones of this earth, is famous for having defeated Trogje Gawo (the non-Buddhist Indian scholar) in debate. Except for this outstanding example, no other masters are known for having done likewise at that time.
There are three Traditions holding the lineage of Sakya Pandita: the Sakya, the Ngor and the Tshar. From the root of the Sakya Tradition came the three renowned lineages of Bulug, Jonang and Bodong. From all these, a few minor differences in their views of the Sutras and Tantras have emerged from their explanations."