Avalokiteshvara (Bhikshuni Shri) | Avalokiteshvara Eleven FacesThere are four forms of Eleven-faced Avalokiteshvara in the Bhikshuni Shri Tradition:
1. Single Figure
2. Four Tatagatas
3. Five Dakinis
4. Eight Arms
Video: Avalokiteshvara: Eleven Faces
The Bhikshuni Shri and Namka Gyalpo forms of the Eleven Faced Thousand Armed Avalokiteshvara are different in five ways:
1. Origin and Chronology
2. Lineage: Lineage Block Prints
3. Appearance
4. Hand attributes
5. Retinue figures: number and identity
Lineage: Avalokiteshvara, Bhikshuni Shri, Pandita Dawa Zhonnu, Pandita Yeshe Zangpo, Balpo Nyewa, Jangsem Dawa Gyaltsen, Drubchen Nyipugpa, Trupa Dorje Gyalpo, Shangton Drajig, Kenchen Tsedulwa, Kenchen Ngog Longpa, Jangsem Chuzangpa, Rinpoche Sherab Bumpa, Gyalse Togmepa, Nyagchen Sowang, Nyag Pon Sonam Zangpo, Pagchog Sonam, Pagpa Sonam Gyatso, Mani Dragpa Sonam, Jangsem Kunga Chogdrub, Jetsun Drolchog, etc. (Rinjung page 279, Taranata).
Alternate: Gyalse Togme, Kunbang Chorin, Jangsem Sonam Rinchen, Drag Kar Sempa, Je Doringpa, etc. (Rinjung page 279, Taranata).
Jeff Watt [updated 7-2018]
(The images below are only a selection from the HAR database).