Shalu Monastery Main Page | Tradition: Shalu/Bulug Main Page | Map of U-Tsang
The monastery of Shalu, approximately 40 kilometers from Shigatse, was founded in 1040 A.D. by Chetsun Sherab Jungne. At the suggestion of Buton Rinchen Drub (1290-1364) the monastery was expanded and elaborately decorated by Kunzang Dragpa Gyaltsen in the early 14th century.
There are many different chapels and shrine rooms located on various floors of the Monastery. Surrounding the central assembly hall on the ground floor is a circumambulatory (korlam) that is richly decorated with murals. Also accessed from the circumambulatory is a a very small storage tyle room with a hidden Avalokiteshvara Chapel with murals painted in the iconographic tradition of the Shangpa Kagyu Tradition. For an overview see the Shalu Association: Monastery Report.
- Main Temple: Images 1, Images 2
- Avalokiteshvara Chapel: Images
- Ordination Temple: Images 1, Images 2, Images 3
- Retreat Center (Atisha Cave): Images
- Shalu (Leigh Miller Archive)
- Shalu 1 (SRG Archive)
- Shalu 2 (SRG Archive)
- Shalu Ordination Temple (Leigh Miller Archive)
- Shalu Ordination Temple (Ariana Maki)
- Shalu Ordination Temple (SRG Archive)
- Avalokiteshvara Chapel, Lamkhor (Wen-ching Chou Archive)
- Shalu Retreat (SRG Archive)
- Shalu Monastery (Uranchimeg Tsultem Gallery)