Miniature Paintings Main Page Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Illuminations Description (below)
- Illuminations & Bookcovers Outline Page
- Miniature Paintings
- Book Covers Main Page
- Masterworks
- Confusions: Initiation Cards, Book Cover paintings
- Others...
Illuminated manuscripts: small images drawn or painted to decorate the pages of religious books. It is very difficult to make a selection of masterworks images from the many examples found in the Database Search. There are simply too many great examples of miniature paintings. It is probably best to divide the masterworks between regions such as India, Nepal, Tibet and China and further divide by time periods. Palm leaf illuminations are primarily a product of India and Nepal. The late Chinese productions of the Kanjur and Tangyur are further decorated with precious metals and gem stones.
Database Search: All Images
Jeff Watt 7-2003 [updated 4-2015, 2-2019, 4-2020]
(The images below are only a selection of examples).