Dorje Shugden (Incarnation Lineage Murals) | Trode Khangsar TempleSubjects, Topics & Types:
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The Trode Khangsar Temple is located on the southern side of the Lhasa Barkhor surrounding the Jokhang. Inside the two story temple, immediately to the right, is a long wall covered with a mural of twenty-five figures. At the center and much larger than the other figures is the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. On his proper right side is the bodhisattva Maitreya and on the left side is the bodhisattva Manjushri. On the right and left sides are three rows of figures one atop the other. The top and middle row have four figures each and the bottom row has three figures.
Buddha's Right Side Name Inscriptions (viewer's left):
1. Mahasiddha Dharmapala (Grub chen dharma pala)
2. Mahasiddha Virupa (Grub chen Birwa pa)
3. Acharya Tomisambhota (slob dpon thon mi sam bho ta, 7th century)
4. Lobpon Sengge Zangpo (Slob dpon seng ge bzang po, 13th Century)
5. Kunkyen Choku Ozer (Kun mkhyen chos sku 'od zer, 1214-1292)
6. Kedrub Kyungpo (Mkhas grub khyung po, 978/990 - 1127)
7. Nyamme Dagpo Lhaje (Mnyam med dwags pol ha rje, 1079-1153)
8. Kuton Tsondru Yungdrung (Khu ston brtson 'grus gYung drung, 1011-1075)
9. Trulku Sonam Geleg Palzang (Sprul sku bsod nams dge legs dpal bzang, 1594-1615)
10. Tsarchen Losal Gyatso (1502-1566)
11. Drubwang Kunga Lodro (Grub dbang kun dga' blo gros)
12. Bodhisattva Maitreya (at the Buddha's right side)
Buddha's Left Side Name Inscriptions (viewer's right):
1. Acharya Vasubandhu (Slob dpon dbyig gnyen)
2. King Trisong Detsen (Chos rgyal khri srong lde btsan, 742-796)
3. Choje Netenpa (chos rje gnas brtan pa 15th century ?)
4. Ngog Legpa'i Sherab (Rngog legs pa'i shes rab) (1059?1109)
5. Kache Panchen Shakyashri (Kha che pan chen sha kya shri, 1127-1225)
6. Drubchen Gayadhara (Grub chen gha ya dha ra, 11th century)
7. Shang Choje Sanggye Tonpa (1213-1285)
8. Tamche Kyenpa Butonje (Thams cad mkhyen pa bus ton rje, 1290-1364)
9. Bodhisattva Manjushri (at the Buddha's left side)
10. Panchen Sonam Dragpa (1478-1554) 15th Ganden Tripa
11. Panchen Sonam Yeshe Wangpo (1556-1592) Drepung Monastery
12. Panchen Trulku Dragpa Gyaltsen (1619-1656) Drepung Monastery