Himalayan Art Resources

Indian Scholar: Abhayakaragupta (Abhayadatta, Vajrasana)

Abhayakaragupta Masterworks

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Alternate Names/Titles: Abhayadatta, Vajrasana
- Primary Figure
--- Panchen Lama Incarnation Set
- Secondary Figure (Lineage Paintings) Example: HAR #87223
- Book Illuminations & Block Print Images
- Others...

Video: Abhayakara Gupta

- Vajravali Main Page
- Eighty-four Mahasiddhas
- Panchen Lama Incarnation Set
- Indian Scholars
- Confusions
- Others...

Abhayakaragupta is known by several names including Abhayadatta and Vajrasana. He composed many texts principally on Tantra explaining the rituals and practices of meditational systems: Vajravali, Nispannayogavali, Jyotirmanjari, etc. The collected biographies of the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas are also attributed to him either under his common name or as Abhayadatta. In the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism Abhayakaragupta is counted as one of the previous incarnations of the Panchen Lamas and can be found included as composition number four (#4) in the Nartang Incarnation Lineage set.

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Jeff Watt 9-2015 [updated 8-2017, 1-2020]