Khechara Vajrayogini Masterworks
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- Religious Context
Video: Naro Khechari of the Naropa Tradition
Vajrayogini, is a representation of complete buddhahood in female form. Classified as Wisdom or 'Mother' Anuttarayoga Tantra the practices originate with the Chakrasamvara Cycle of Tantras. Although found in a variety of forms, she is common to all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. In this particular form she is a special teaching passed down from the lineage of the Indian mahasiddha Naropa through to the Sakya School. This form is also popular within the Gelugpa Tradition.
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Sanskrit: Vajrayogini Tibetan: dor je nal jor ma
Jeff Watt 4-2001 [updated 3-2017, 5-2017]