Vajrayogini, Khechara PageSubjects, Topics & Types:
- Khechara Vajrayogini Description (below)
- Vajrayogini Naropa Outline
- Khechara Pureland
- Vajrayogini Index of Names
- Technical Glossary
- Vajrayogini Main Page
- Vajradharma Buddha
- Chakrasamvara Main Page
- Vajra Attribute Page
- Female Imagery Introduction
- Meditational Deity Page
- Deities According to Function
- Colours & Activities
- Complex Specific Subjects
- Metaphor
- Confusions
- Others...
Video: Naro Khechari of the Naropa Tradition
Important Tantric Cycles:
- Eleven Yogas of Naropa
- Six Dharmas of Naropa
- Others...
Vajrayogini, the 'Khechari of Naropa' (Tibetan: dor je nal jor ma, na ro kha cho ma). Belonging to the Chakrasamvara collection of Tantras and one of the five principal tantric practices of the Sakya School. Bibliographic reference: Laghusamvara Nama.
Guru Lineage 1: Vajradhara, Vajrayogini, mahasiddha Naropa, Pamtingpa, Sherab Tseg, Mal Lotsawa, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Sonam Tsemo, Dragpa Gyaltsen, Sakya Pandita, Chogyal Pagpa, etc.
Guru Lineage 2: Lineage: Vajradharma, Vajrayogini, Mahasiddha Ghantapada, Tengipa, Antarapa, Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, etc.
Jeff Watt [updated 9-2020]
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).