Tsiu Marpo Main Page
The Warlord’s Tantra with Accompanying Sadhanas (Dmag dpon gyi rgyud sgrub thabs dang bcas pa). Ngari Panchen Péma Wangyel Dorjé (Mnga’ ris Panchen Padma dbang rgyal rdo rje; 1487-1542).
tsi'u dmar gsol mchod bya tshul bzhugs so. 'jam mgon tham cad mkhyen pa'i zhal gsung. Published at Lhundrub Teng. Pages 85-162.
Tsiu Marpo, the Career of a Tibetan Protector Deity, (35 MB Pdf file) by Christopher Paul Bell. The Florida State University College of Arts and Sciences.
Oracles and Demons of Tibet by Rene De Nebesky-Wojkowitz. The Hague (1956). ISBN 81-7303-039-1. (Contents list).
The Guardian Deities of Tibet by Ladrang Kalsang (first edition 1996). Contents list.
Tibetan Mountain Deities, Their Cults and Representations, edited by Anne-Marie Blondeau.
"From btsanpo to btsan: The Demonization of the Tibetan Sacral Kingship," Todd Gibson (dissertation), completed in 1991.
Jeff Watt [updated 1-2020]