Jataka Stories Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Religious Context Topics (below)
- Masterworks
- Jataka Outline Page
- Shakyamuni: Religious Context
- Foundational Buddhism Main Page (Hinayana)
- Avadana Sets
- Narrative Art Main Page
- Confusions: Avadana, Tonpa Shenrab
- Others...
- Jataka Stories: Animals
- A Question on Jataka Tales
- Thirteen Tibetan Tankas (book review)
Over the time span of the last millennium there have been many Tibetan edited versions of texts retelling these stories. There can also be many minor variations and sometimes the addition of extra stories, yet despite these differences, all of the edited versions generally follow the same list of titles and are commonly known by all as the two collections of stories, the Thirty-four Jataka Tales and the One Hundred Jataka Tales.
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Jeff Watt 1-2013 [updated 12-2018, 4-2020]