Shakyamuni Buddha Main PageSubjects, Topics & Types:
- Description
- Outline Page
- Number Sets
- Buddhism Main Page
- Source Texts
- Narrative Depictions:
--- Life-story
--- Twelve Deeds Outline Page
--- Jataka Story
--- Avadana Story
--- Life-story, Confession, Arhats (single composition)
- Confusions: Tonpa Shenrab, (all figures with Buddha Appearance)
- Others...
- Shakyamuni Buddha
- Thirty-two Major Marks
- Shakyamuni & Akshobhya Buddha: A Confusion About the Vajra Scepter
Study Topics:
- Placement, Position & Hierarchy
- Life Events: Iconic Depictions
- Artistic Styles (Regions & Periods)
Shakyamuni Buddha (Tibetan: sha kya tu pa, sang gye. English: the Enlightened One, Sage of the Shakya Clan), founder of Buddhism.
Sanskrit: Buddha Shakyamuni Tibetan: Sang gye sha kya tu pa
"Born in the Shakya race through skillful means and compassion;
destroying the army of Mara who was unable to be destroyed by others;
with a body radiant like a mountain of gold.
Homage to you, King of Shakya." (Tibetan liturgical verse).
Database Search: All Images | Painting | Sculpture | Mandala
Jeff Watt 7-2018 [updated 12-2019, 2-2022]