Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Protector: Mahakala List of Names & Forms

Mahakala Iconography

List of Mahakala Names & Variations:

Bernagchen (Black Cloak)

Bhagavan (Excellent One)

Brahmanarupa (Brahmin Form)
- Tangtong Gyalpo Tradition
- Sakya Artistic Tradition
- Gelug Tradition

Chaturbhuja (Four-hands)
- Solitary
- With Consort
- With Retinue

Chaturmukha (Four-faces)
- Approximation
- Accomplishment
- Performing Activities
- Long-life (white)
- Wealth
- Power
- Practicing Liberation
- Demon Faces
- Chaturmukha with Wings (Nyingma)
- Chaturmukha with Wings & a Consort (Nyingma)

Danda (Stick)

'Jangter' Mahakala

Kakamukha (Raven-faced)

Kartaridhara (Knife Holder)
- Solitary
- Five Deities

Maning (Genderless)
- Solitary
- With Retinue

Panjarnata (Two-hands)
- Solitary
- White
- Three Deity
- Five Deity
- Eight Deity
- Ten Deity
- Twelve Deity
- Seventeen Deity
- Ngog Tradition
- Tangtong Gyalpo Tradition

Raudrantika (Killer of Rudra)
- Nyo Tradition
- Dagpo Tradition
- Jowo Tradition
- Drigug Drag Drubma
- Kang Tangma
- Maningma
- Pong Shalchen
- Sangdrub Shana'i Shalchen

Shadbhuja (Six-hands)
- White, Tsedrub
- Green, One Face
- Green, Three Faces
- Lagon Yermed
- Yellow, Lophel, Three Faces, with consort
- Yellow, Gonpo Dribsel
- Red, Kandro Wangdu
- Sangdrub Chingka
- Blue-black, Saraha Tradition
- Very Black, Sangdrub
- Four Combined, Lhashi Drildrub
- Tul Shug
- Nying Shug
- Chogyur Lingpa Terma

Shanglon (Minister, from the Yutog Nyingtig)
- Outer
- Inner
- Secret
- Riding a Black Horse

Vyaghra-vahana (Riding a Tiger)

Jeff Watt 3-2015 [updated 12-2019]

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).