Mahasiddha Iconography
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description
- Brahmanarupa & Mahasiddhas
- Dombi Heruka & Dhombipa
- Dombi Heruka & Tsongkapa as a Siddha (See Video)
- Heruka Meanings & Forms
- Krishnacharya & Kanha
- Nagarjuna Confusions (See Video).
- Padmavajra, Sararuhavajra, Sakara & Padmasambhava
- Tibetans with Siddha Appearance
- Tsang Nyon Heruka & Virupa
- Virupa & Shri Simha (See Video)
- Others...
Jeff Watt 10-2020
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).