Himalayan Art Resources

Indian Adept: Mahasiddha Iconography

Mahasiddha Main Page

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Three Contexts
--- Lineage Teachers
--- Systems of Mahasiddhas
--- Guruyoga
- Iconography
--- Lay Appearance
--- Monastic Appearance
--- Heruka (siddha) Appearance
- Identifiable Mahasiddhas
- Tibetans with Heruka Appearance
- Hands of the Deity/Dakini
- Outline Page
- Mahasiddha Resource Page (old)
- Buddhist Iconography Main Page
Confusions: Magyu System (Bon), Shaiva (South India)
- Others...

Videos: Mahasiddha Videos Page

There are three contexts for mahasiddhas appearing in painting and sculpture: lineage teachers, numbered systems, guruyoga. There are three appearances for mahasiddhas: layperson, monastic, heruka appearance.

It is very important to know the difference between an individual that is classified in the various Buddhist Tantric systems as a mahasiddha and an individual that has siddha (or mahasiddha) appearance. The majority of mahasiddhas do not have Siddha Appearance - which is one of the Eleven Figurative Forms. The majority of the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas are depicted in layperson attire, along with a few monks, several kings and mendicant yogis.

Database Search: All Images | Painting | Sculpture

Jeff Watt 4-2006 [updated 6-2017, 4-2019, 12-2019, 8-2022]

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the painting and sculpture links above).