Himalayan Art Resources

Indian Adept: Systems of Mahasiddhas

Mahasiddha Iconography

Systems of Mahasiddhas:
- Description (below)
1. Eight Numbered Systems
2. Eighty-four Numbered Systems
3. Variously Numbered Systems
- Central Figures
--- Vajradhara
--- Tsongkapa (Following Vajrasana)
--- Various Figures
- Masterworks
- Confusions: Magyu System (Bon), Shaiva (South India)
- Others...

Videos: Mahasiddha Videos Page

There are three different ways to organize the various systems of mahasiddhas. They are found as an eight, eighty-four and variously numbered systems. Only the eight and eighty-four are commonly found in art.

Jeff Watt [updated 4-2019, 11-2021, 8-2022]

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).