Hvashang Main PageSubjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Masterworks
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Regions
- Early Hvashang Depictions
- Late Period: 18th to present
- Block Prints & Models
- Elders Main Page
- Shakyamuni & Sixteen Elders
- Confusions: Elders, Sage of Long Life, Tang Tong Gyalpo
- Others...
Hvashang, meaning a 'Chinese monk,' is considered an historic figure who was sent by Taizong, the Tang Emperor of China, to invite the Buddha Shakyamuni to come and visit China. Since the Buddha had already passed away the invitation was relayed to the Sixteen Great Arhats. From approximately the 16th century onwards most paintings of the Buddha Shakyamuni and the Sixteen Arhats depicted in Himalayan Style Art have included the patron Hvashang. In paintings earlier than the 16th century Hvashang is conspicuously absent.
Database Search: All Images | Painting | Sculpture
Jeff Watt 1-2021
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).