Tsewang Rigdzin MasterworksSubjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Iconography (below)
- Drenpa Namkha
- Chime Yabse Shi
- Bon Teachers
- Bon Religion Main Page
- Confusions
- Others...
- Tsewang Rigdzin
- Tsewang Rigdzin Review
- Tsewang Rigdzin (tshe dbang rig 'dzin).
- Kandro Oden Barma (mkha' 'gro 'od ldan 'bar ma).
- Solitary
- With Consort
- Wrathful
- Six Mountains (Boyulma)
- Sipai Gyalmo Riding a Bear (Boyulma)
- Others...
"E MA HO! In the middle on an unchanging everlasting [yungdrung] palace is a lion, elephant, horse, dragon and kyung [supported] throne. Above a lotus, sun, moon and corpse seat ... [appears] the form of Tsewang Rigdzin, maroon, naked, [seated] in a half posture, wearing a tiger skin, bone ornaments, silk ribbons, a flower ornament tied [in the hair], in a happy manner, gold earrings, bracelets [and armlets]. In the right [hand] is a wish fulfilling jewel satisfying all needs; in the left a power skull cup, orange inside, filled with the marvelous two accumulations; a treasure of power and attainments for devout followers, three eyes - staring to the sky characterizing the subduing of birth and death; unobstructed, cheerfully seated on a corpse, clearing the darkness with the spheres of the sun and moon, method and wisdom. Having a beautiful and flawless lotus seat throne of five [animals], the five poisons are self liberated." [Tshe dbang bod yul ma, fol.302-322.]
Many of the depictions, practices and rituals of Tsewang Rigdzin arise from a Bon 'Revealed Treasure' text discovered by Terton Bonzhig Yungdrung Lingpa (1346-1405). This terton is considered by most to be identical to the Buddhist Terton Dorje Lingpa (1346-1405 [TBRC P6164]) who discovered both Buddhist and Bon hidden texts.
The famous teacher Drenpa Namka is believed to be the father of Tsewang Rigdzin and Yungdrung Tongdrol who are sometimes described as twin brothers and at other times having two different mothers. In this tradition Pema Tongdrol, later known as Yungdrung Tongdrol, is understood as identical to the Buddhist figure Padmasambhava.
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Jeff Watt 2-2008 [updated 3-2017, 1-2020]