Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Deity: Tara Five Deity

Green Tara Iconography

Five Deity Configuration:
- Sadhanasamuchaya (Drub Tab Gyatso)
- Rinjung Gyatsa
- Others...

There are at least two systems of a five deity configuration for Green Tara. In the Ocean of Methods (Sadhanasagara (Drub Tab Gyatso, folio 34) Green Tara is accompanied by the figures of Marichi, Maha Mayuri, Janguli, and Ekajati. (See an example as a secondary mandala in a Vajravarahi composition).

In the Rinjung Gyatsa of Jonang Taranata Green Tara is accompanied by Pratisara, Marichi, Varahi and Ekajati. (See the Tara Number Sets).

Jeff Watt 7-2022