Himalayan Art Resources

Shakyamuni Buddha: Iconographic Confusions

Shakyamuni Buddha: Iconography

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Akshobhya Buddha
- Vairochana Buddha
- Dipamkara Buddha
- Maitreya Buddha
- Shakya Sengge
- Tonpa Shenrab
- Buddha Appearance
- Others...

- Shakyamuni Buddha
- Shakyamuni Buddha Confusions
- Shakyamuni & Akshobhya Buddha: A Confusion About the Vajra Scepter

Study Topics:
- Colour
- Gesture
- Context

Both Maitreya and Dipamkara, in nirmanakaya appearance, typically have the two hands in the gesture of teaching. Vairochana also performs the teaching gesture however in most cases appears in sambhogakaya appearance which is synonymous with peaceful appearance, adorned with a crown, earrings, jewelry and rich heavenly attire.

Jeff Watt 6-2023

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).