Sakya Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Sets
- Margapala Lineage Description (below)
- Single Composition (full lineage)
[1] Single Figure Composition
[2] Two Figure Composition
[3] Three Figure Composition
[4] Four Figure Composition
- Lamdre Lineage Outline Page
- Figure & Composition Types List
- Margapala (Miscellaneous)
- Teaching Lineages
- Masterworks
- Confusions
- Others...
Of the hundreds of lineages of Tantric Buddhist teachings that were propagated by Indian scholars and siddhas, considered one of the more important of these teachings by Tibetan scholars and practitioners, is the 'Path Together with the Result' (Sanskrit: Margapala. Tibetan: lam dre bu tang che pa) taught by the mahasiddha Virupa. The images below represent many different multiple painting sets depicting the early Indian and later Tibetan Margapala lineage of teachers. The images of paintings are gathered from numerous museum and private collections around the world.
Jeff Watt 6-2006 [updated 10-2020]