Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Ekajati (Buddhist Deity)

རལ་གཅིག་མ། ནང་ལྷ། 一发佛母(佛教本尊)
(item no. 89758)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1400 - 1499
Lineages Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Interpretation / Description

Ekajati with one face and eight hands as the central figure in the composition of the Five Deity Amoghapasha.

Ekajati is wrathful in appearance, blue in colour, orange hair flowing upward, with one face and eight hands. She wears wrathful ornaments and garments, standing in a posture with one leg bent and the other straight.

"In the northern [direction] is blue Ekajati. The four right hands hold a sword, lasso, lotus and arrow. The four left a wheel, stick, trident and bow. [She] wears a tiger skin [dress] and is adorned with snakes and ornaments; very fierce. Standing in a manner with the right leg bent."

"Lord of compassion Noble Lokeshvara,
Amoghapasha and wrathful Hayagriva,
Ekajati and goddess Bhrikuti;
Noble Five Deities gatherded together, I bow"
(bod brgyud nang bstan lha thsogs chen mo bzhugs so).

At the top right corner is the principal deity Lokeshvara, white with two hands. At the top left is Hayagriva, red with one face and four hands. At the bottom left is Amoghapasha, seated, red with one face and four hands. At the right is a green figure, seated, with one face and four hands. In other compositions of Amoghapasha this last figure would be either yellow or white and identified as Bhrikuti.

Jeff Watt 12-2008

Reverse of Painting
English Translation of Inscription: [mantra of Ekajati written in Tibetan script]

Special Features: (Printed script (Uchen))

Secondary Images
Related Items
Thematic Sets
Buddhist Deity: Ekajati Main Page (One Braid)
Buddhist Deity: Ekajati (Sarma Tradition)
Buddhist Deity: Amoghapasha Main Page
Buddhist Deity: Amoghapasha Five Deity
Buddhist Deity: Amoghapasha (Paintings)
Buddhist Deity: Ekajati Masterworks
Collection: Private 1
Painting Set: Amoghapasha (Banner Set)
Buddhist Deity: Ekajati Iconography