Himalayan Art Resources


Painting Sets Resource Page

A new visual format Painting Sets Resource Page has been added to the recently updated Painting Sets Main Page.

As painting sets account for at least half or more of all Himalayan art it is a huge task to try and organize the different sets into catagories, then to keep track of the different versions of the same set compositions such as Shakyamuni & the Sixteen Arhats, the Margapala Lineage, Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama Nartang sets, etc. See the first draft of an index to try and catalogue just the subject names of the many painting sets.

Although the lists for each of the four sub-catagories of painting sets appears relatively short it must be remembered that there can be dozens, scores, or hundreds of copies of a single subject set of paintings, for example the Sixteen Great Arhats with over one hundred sets currently documented on the HAR site.

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