Item 342
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- (Naropa Tradition)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Vajrayogini Mandala (Tibetan: dor je nal jor ma kyil kor). The Dakini Naro Khachodma
Item 442
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- (Naropa Tradition)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Vajrayogini Mandala (Tibetan: dor je nal jor ma kyil khor, na ro kha chod ma). The da…
Item 563
Shambhala (Buddhist Pureland)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Shambhala: hidden kingdom of the north, Buddhist pureland, realm of the Kulika Kings
Item 620
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Date: 1500 - 1599
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Akshobhyavajra, Guhyasamaja (Tibetan: mi kyo dor je, sang wa du pa. English: the Unsh…
Item 868
Medicine Buddha
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Medicine Buddha Mandala (Sanskrit: Bhaishajyaguru mandala. Tibetan: sang gye men la k…
Item 2184
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Collection: Private
Item 2214
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- (11 faces, 8 hands)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Eleven-faced Lokeshvara Five-deity Mandala according to the tradition of Bhikshuni Sh…
Item 3153
Vairochana Buddha
- Sarvavid (Sarvadurgati Tantra)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 3297
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Amoghapasha (Unfailing Lasso)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 4203
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Collection: Private
Item 4477
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Luipa Tradition)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 7110
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Collection: Private
Item 7557
Vajrapani (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- (Sarvadurgati Tantra, Chitta)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 7601
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 9317
Vairochana Buddha
- Sarvavid (Sarvadurgati Tantra)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 10218
Vairochana Buddha
- Sarvavid (Sarvadurgati Tantra)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 11805
Amitayus Buddha
- Amitayus
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 12356
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1500 - 1599
Collection: Private
Item 12424
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
Collection: Private
Item 12457
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
Collection: Private
Item 12546
Medicine Buddha
- Main Form
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 12628
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
(See 20205).
Item 12774
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 13378
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Amoghapasha (Unfailing Lasso)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 13852
Shakyamuni Buddha
- with Sixteen Elders (Arhats)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 13937
Vasudhara (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 16222
Sitatapatra (Buddhist Deity)
- (Three faces, eight hands)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 16223
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Simhanada (Lion's Roar)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 18324
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Chaturbhuja (4 hands)
Collection: Private
Item 18705
Medicine Buddha
- Main Form
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 18706
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- (11 Faces)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 19063
Shakyamuni Buddha
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 20647
Amitayus Buddha
- Sambhogakaya
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 22412
Jambhala (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 22877
Amritakundali (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 23376
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- Vajravarahi
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Vajravarahi Thirty-seven Deity Mandala from the Vajravali compendium of Tantric pract…
Item 23378
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Guhyasamaja, Akshobhyavajra Mandala (Tibetan: sang wa du pa, mi kyo dor je. English:
Item 23394
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1500 - 1599
Collection: Private
Vajrabhairava Thirteen Deity Mandala.
Item 23766
Pancha Raksha (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 23946
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 24424
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- (11 faces, 8 hands)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 24511
Simhamukha (Buddhist Deity)
- (5 deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 24578
Amitayus Buddha
- Amitayus
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 24593
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 24609
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Krishnacharin Tradition)
Collection: Private
Item 30447
Shakyamuni Buddha
- with Sixteen Elders (Arhats)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 31211
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Collection: Private
Vajrabhairava Mandala.Vajrabhairava is a wrathful form of Manjushri and functions as
Item 31733
Medicine Buddha
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Medicine Buddha Mandala.
Item 31929
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Collection: Private
Item 33308
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 33557
Hayagriva (Buddhist Deity)
- Padma Ishvara
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 34612
Amitayus Buddha
- Amitayus
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 34917
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 34918
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Luipa Tradition)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 34919
Amitayus Buddha
- Sambhogakaya
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 34920
Amitayus Buddha
- Sambhogakaya
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 34921
Ushnishavijaya (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 35352
Tara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Atisha, 21 Taras)
Collection: The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
Item 35366
Collection: The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
Item 35692
Amitayus Buddha
- Amitayus
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: The British Museum
Amitayus Nine Deity Mandala.
Item 36288
- (Unidentified Male)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 36333
Medicine Buddha
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Medicine Buddha Mandala.
Item 36428
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: John and Berthe Ford
Item 41018
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- Vajravarahi
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Vajrayogini Eleven or Fifteen Deity Mandala situated within a double tetrahedron pala…
Item 41208
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Collection: Private
Item 49034
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1900 - 1959
Collection: Private
Item 49035
Sitatapatra (Buddhist Deity)
- (1000 faces, 1000 hands)
Date: 1900 - 1959
Collection: Private
Item 50077
Medicine Buddha
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts
Item 50078
Vaishravana (Buddhist Protector)
- Riding a Lion
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts
Item 50087
Vajrapani (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts
Item 50088
Hayagriva (Buddhist Deity)
- Heruka
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts
Item 50089
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- (11 faces, 8 hands)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts
Item 50090
Vairochana Buddha
- Sarvavid (Sarvadurgati Tantra)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts
Item 50091
Hayagriva (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts
Item 50139
Akshobhya Buddha
- Vajra (8 Deity Mandala)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts
Item 51602
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Guhyasamaja, Akshobhyavajra. (The image of this painting was published as a poster in…
Item 57628
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: National Gallery in Prague
Vajrabhairava Mandala.
Item 57826
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- (Maitripa Tradition)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 57827
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- (Naropa Tradition)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 57842
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 57920
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Item 58263
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Sodashabindu (Tigle Chudrug)
Date: 1960 -
Collection: Private
Avalokiteshvara (Tigle Chu Drug).Tibetan Name: bka' gdams thig le bcu drug gi dkyil '…
Item 59463
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Collection: Pacific Asia Museum
Item 60650
Buddhakapala (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Buddhakapala, meaning the skull of the enlightened one, is a meditational deity belon…
Item 61262
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Krishnacharin Tradition)
Date: 1400 - 1499
Collection: Private
Chakrasamvara Sixty-two Deity Mandala.
Item 61263
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Krishnacharin Tradition)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Chakrasamvara Sixty-two Deity Mandala.
Item 61264
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Krishnacharin Tradition)
Date: 1600 - 1699
Collection: Private
Chakrasamvara Sixty-two Deity Mandala.
Item 61265
Hayagriva (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Hayagriva Mandala.
Item 61887
Amitayus Buddha
- Amitayus
Date: 1400 - 1499
Collection: Private
Amitayus Nine Deity Mandala (Tibetan: tse pag me lha gu kyil kor) according to the li…
Item 64015
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
Collection: Rainy Jin & Johnny Bai
Item 65553
Date: 1600 - 1699
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Aparajita Mandala attributed by the inscription to the 6th Dalai Lama. “This painted
Item 65660
Medicine Buddha
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Medicine Buddha Mandala. It is a common practice to replace the figure of Medicine Bu…
Item 69422
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
Item 69425
Vajrapani (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Mahachakra
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
Mandala with Five Vajra Scepters in the center. It is most likely that this symbol ma…
Item 69615
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Luipa Tradition)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Item 72056
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Tibet House Museum, New Delhi
Luipa Lineage.
Tibetan: Khor lo dem chog
Item 73270
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Collection: Private
Item 74271
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Buryat Historical Museum
Vajrabhairava Mandala.Video: Vajrabhairava: HAR 74271
Item 75024
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art
Item 76011
Amitayus Buddha
- Amitayus
Date: 1600 - 1699
Collection: Newark Museum
Amitayus Eight Deity Mandala.
Item 77021
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- (Naropa Tradition)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Vajrayogini Mandala Plate according to the tradition of the mahasiddha NaropaSanskrit…
Item 77072
Kalachakra (Buddhist Deity)
Collection: Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Sanskrit: Kalachakra Tibetan: Du kyi kor loWisdom Calendar 1991 - June (full catalog
Item 77076
Vaishravana (Buddhist Protector)
- Riding a Lion
Collection: Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Wisdom Calendar 1991 - October (full catalog list)
Item 77078
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Wisdom Calendar 1991 - December (full catalog list)
Item 77098
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Collection: Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Wisdom Calendar 1993 - June (full catalog list)
Item 77116
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Wisdom Calendar 1994 - November (full catalog list)
Item 77217
Collection: Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Mandala - unidentified.Wisdom Calendar 2002 - August (full catalog list)
Item 77249
Medicine Buddha
Collection: Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Wisdom Calendar 2006 - September (full catalog list)
Item 77275
Kalachakra (Buddhist Deity)
- (4 faces, 24 hands)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 77568
Vairochana Buddha
- Sarvavid (Sarvadurgati Tantra)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Royal Ontario Museum
Item 77596
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Royal Ontario Museum
Vajrabhairava with Vajra Vetali.
Item 81871
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini Mandala (Tibetan: khor lo de chog lha drug chu tsa nyi
Item 87103
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- Solitary (Ekavira)
Date: 1400 - 1499
Collection: Philadelphia Museum of Art
Vajrabhairava, Ekavira.
Item 87455
Amitayus Buddha
- Sambhogakaya
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Victoria and Albert Museum
Item 89780
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Inga Pan
Item 90025
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Navin Kumar
Vajra Bhairava 13 Deity Mandala (Tibetan: dor je jig je lha chu sum khyil kor): with
Item 90741
Vairochana Buddha
- Sarvavid (Sarvadurgati Tantra)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Tibet House, New York
Sarvavid, Maha Vairochana Mandala (Tibetan: kun rig nam par nang dze kyil khor): the
Item 90753
Shakyamuni Buddha
- with Sixteen Elders (Arhats)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Tibet House, New York
Shakyamuni Buddha and the 16 Arhats Mandala (Tibetan: sha kya thu pa dang ne tan chu
Item 92021
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Date: 1500 - 1599
Collection: U. of Michigan Museum of Anthropology
Item 93564
Vasudhara (Buddhist Deity)
- (1 face, 6 hands)
Collection: Private
Item 93702
Vajrapani (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Mahachakra
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 93802
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 93806
Vairochana Buddha
- Sarvavid (Sarvadurgati Tantra)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 93810
Medicine Buddha
- Main Form
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 98804
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 98805
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 98811
Hayagriva (Buddhist Deity)
- Padma Ishvara
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 98813
Achala (Buddhist Deity)
- Chandamaharoshana (with consort)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 98902
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- Krodha Kali (Wrathful Black Varahi)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 98906
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- (11 Faces)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 98907
Medicine Buddha
- Main Form
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Hahn Cultural Foundation
Item 99117
Shakyamuni Buddha
- with Sixteen Elders (Arhats)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 99690
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Publication: Tibetan Paintings
Tibetan Paintings by Pratapaditya Pal (list of image plates)
Item 100189
Vaishravana (Buddhist Protector)
- Riding a Lion
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100204
Guhyasamaja (Buddhist Deity)
- Akshobhyavajra
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100205
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100206
Kalachakra (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100207
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100208
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Luipa Tradition)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100209
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- (Luipa Tradition)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100210
Amitayus Buddha
- Amitayus
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100211
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- (11 faces, 8 hands)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100212
Medicine Buddha
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100213
Medicine Buddha
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100214
Shakyamuni Buddha
- with Sixteen Elders (Arhats)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Yonghegong Palace Monastery
Item 100645
Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity)
- with consort
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Publication: A Tale of Thangkas
Vajrabhairava Mandala according to the Shri Vajrabhairava Nama Tantra [Toh 468]. This…
Item 100647
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Sodashabindu (Tigle Chudrug)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Publication: A Tale of Thangkas
Avalokiteshvara (Tigle Chu Drug) Mandala. Tibetan Name: bka' gdams thig le bcu drug g…
Item 101702
Kalachakra (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Private
Kalachakra Mandala."...Shri Kalachakra shining forth with stainless light rays of fiv…
Item 203001
Kalachakra (Buddhist Deity)
- (4 faces, 24 hands)
Date: 1960 -
Collection: Private
Item 203026
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- Vajravarahi
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
Item 3314477
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Sodashabindu (Tigle Chudrug)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Museum der Kulturen, Basel
Item 3314478
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- (11 Faces)
Collection: Museum der Kulturen, Basel
Item 3314481
Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
- Donkey-faced
Collection: Museum der Kulturen, Basel
Item 3314566
Nairatmya (Buddhist Deity)
- (2 hands)
Date: 1700 - 1799
Collection: Museum der Kulturen, Basel