Traba Ngonshe Masterworks
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- Red Jambhala, Traba Ngonshe, Description (below)
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Red Jambhala (Tibetan: dzam bha la mar po); a wealth deity from the 'Terma' (Treasure Teachings) of Traba Ngonshe, however, it appears to be based on the Red Jambhala tradition of Gayadhara.
"...Red Jambhala with three faces, six hands and four legs. The body is red in colour, like ruby, and blazing with light. Beautiful and desirous in appearance, slightly fierce and smiling. The main face is red - laughing, the right white and left blue. The first pair of hands hold a precious gem and a jewel filled skullcup. The middle two a hook and lasso. The lowest two each [hold] a mongoose spewing various jewels. The two right legs are bent and the two left slightly straight; pressing on the male and female lords of wealth. Adorned with the eight great snakes and various jewels and a garland of flowers and fluttering ribbons." (Terdag Lingpa Gyurme Dorje (1646-1714) and Min-ling Lochen Dharmashri 1654-1718. Tibetan source text 'dod 'jo bum bzang pp. 353-354).
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Jeff Watt 7-1998 [updated 11-2013]