Red Jambhala Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Red Jambhala Description (below)
- Thirteen Golden Dharmas
- Jambhala in the Rinjung Lhantab
- Red Deities Main Page
- Masterworks
- Confusions
- Others...
"Jambhala Father-Mother: The Father has a body red in colour, one face, two hands and three eyes. Adorning the top of the head is a precious brilliant jewel. The right hand holds the precious jewel 'King of Power,' and the left a mongoose filled [with jewels] and spewing [them forth]; holding the Mother in the mudra of embrace. With the right leg straight and the left bent, in the lap is the Mother Bharati with a body red in colour, one face and two hands. The right holds a precious jewel blazing with light, raining jewels on the practitioner. The left holds a nectar filled skullcup and embraces the Father. Both are in a mood of fierceness and desire increasing great bliss" (Translated 1984).
Lineage: Jnana Dakini, Mahasiddha Virupa, Krisna, Damarupa, Avadhutipa, Gayadhara, Drogmi, Gyichu Khonton, Sachen, Tsemo, Dragpa, Yargom Che, Tontsul Chokyi Wangchug, Yontan Tri, Sengzang Senge Gyaltsen, Sonam Dar, Gyaltsen Ozer, Kunzang Rolpa, Rinchen Chokyi Gyal, Dorje Gyaltsen, Sherab Gyaltsen Pal, Konchog Palden, Namkha Palzangpo, Chogleg Dorje, Tenzin Zangpo, Khyenrab Champa'i Shap, Morchenje, Jamgon Nesarwa, Kunga Lodro, Namkha Chime Pal.
Jeff Watt 2-2009