Himalayan Art Resources

Shakyamuni Buddha: Jowo Depictions Page (Lhasa)

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Video: Pilgrimage Art

The painted depictions of the large Shakyamuni sculpture in the Jowo Lhakang, at the center of Lhasa, are often accompanied by images of the Ramoche Temple Akshobhya Buddha and the Eleven Faced Lokeshvara commissioned by King Songtsen Gampo.

The Jowo sculpture can often be recognized by both the crown on the head and the white conch shell decorating the chest.

The Eleven Faced Lokeshvara is said to be made from the same sandalwood as the four famous Pagpa Lokeshvara sculpture and the two sets of 108 smaller Lokeshvara figures housed in the one hundred and eight land taming temples throughout Tibet.

Jeff Watt 3-2015 [updated 6-2017]