Dalai Lama Art HistorySubjects, Topics & Types:
- Painting Sets Description (below)
- Incarnation Lineages Main Page
- Masterworks
- Confusions
- Others...
Painting Sets:
- Nartang Monastery Set
Miscellaneous Sets:
- Hand & Footprint Paintings
- Tucci Set
- American Museum of Natural History Set
- Wood Block Set (Prajnaparamita)
- Artist Kazi Lazo Set (Chamdo)
- Previous Incarnations (Misc.)
- Others...
Related Sets:
- 7th Dalai Lama Secret Biography Set
- Lamrim Lineage Sets
- Others...
There are several complete painting sets of the Dalai Lama incarnation lineage such as the Gold Silk Set of Tibet House, New Delhi, and the five composition set of the Field Museum, Chicago. Both sets use the same exact iconographic model. The Tibet House set is unpainted while the Field Museum is fully painted and one of the better examples. A complete set is also found in the Palace Museum, Beijing.
Unlike the subject of the Panchen Lamas, the Dalai Lama subject has very few paintings where the incarnation lineage is composed within a single painting. Only one example is represented here - single composition full lineage.
(The images below are all from partial and broken sets).
Jeff Watt [updated 11-2014]