Manjushri Iconic Forms
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- Manjushri: Highest Yoga Tantra
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There are meditational deities that carry the name Manjushri and there are deities that are understood to be forms or emanations of Manjushri. In the highest yoga tantra the majority of deities do not include the name of Manjushri.
Highest Yoga Tantra (Sarma):
- Context Page Outline
- Krishna Yamari
- Rakta Yamari
- Vajrabhairava
- Yama Dharmaraja
- Manjuvajra Guhyasamaja
- Guhyasamaja Manjuvajra (Lilavajra Tradition) 43 Deity (Mitra 49)
- others....
Nyingma Forms of Manjushri:
There are many meditational forms of Manjushri in the new (sarma) tantra systems from India as well old, or early (nyingma), meditational systems. Aside from those there are also countless 'Revealed Treasure' discoveries (terma). The list below is only of the Sarma 'New' tantra deities and of these each has many different forms, traditions and lineages, with greater or lesser differences in the appearance and practice.
Jeff Watt [3-2017]