Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Deity: Manjushri (Iconic Forms)

Manjushri Iconography

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Popular Forms
- Three Lower Tantra Forms
- Highest Yoga Tantra Forms
- Textual Compendiums
- Peaceful Appearance
- Wrathful Appearance
- Rare & Unusual Forms
- Revealed Treasure (Nyingma)
- Iconic & Non-iconic Iconography
- Number Sets
- Masterworks
- Confusions
- Others...

Videos: All Manjushri Videos

There are many different forms of Manjushri found in the four classifications of Buddhist Vajrayana tantra literature.

Database Search: All Images | Painting | Sculpture | Mandalas

Jeff Watt [updated 8-2018, 7-2019, 12-2020]

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).