Yogambara Masterworks
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Seventy-seven Deity Mandala
- Jnana Dakini Page
- Lineages:
--- Vajravali Collection & Lineage
--- Marpa/Ngog Tradition
--- Mitra Gyatsa Tradition
- Meditational Deities
- Confusions
- Others...
Video: A Yogambara Mandala (HAR on Patreon [7 min.])
The male meditational deity Yogambara arises from the Chaturpita Tantra and is typically found in a seventy-seven deity mandala configuration. The female deity Jnana Dakini is also from the Chaturpita Tantra. (See TBRC w25336, w25337, w25338).
"Yogambara, black [in colour], with three faces, black, white and red, and three eyes [each]. With six arms the first two [hands] hold a vajra and bell while embracing the mother. The remaining right [hands] caress the breast of the consort and hold an arrow. The left [hands] hold a skullcup and bowl. A jewel, crescent moon and vishvavajra adorn the black hair as an ornament, with a garland of five skulls and the Five Buddhas as a crown, having the six mudras, wearing a tiger skin [tied] loosely behind. Seated in the sattva posture [sattvasana], in the lap is the mother Jnana Dakini, white, with one face and two hands. The right hand holds a katvanga staff and the left a skullcup - embracing the father. Adorned with the five mudras." (bod brgyud nang bstan lha tshogs chen mo bshugs so, page 387-388).
Lineage Teachers: (Page 140)
Database Search: All Images | Painting | Sculpture | Mandalas
Jeff Watt 2-2014 [updated 5-2017, 1-2020, 6-2024]