Shakyamuni Buddha Main Page
Close Students:
- Shariputra
- Maudalyayana (foremost in magical powers)
- Subhuti (foremost in Prajnaparamita)
The two foremost students of Shakyamuni Buddha, Shariputra and Maudgalyayana, passed away approximately six months prior to the parinirvana of the Buddha, therefore they were not counted as patriarchs of the tradition.
Buddhist Patriarchs:
- 1st Mahakashyapa
- 2nd Ananda (cousin of the Buddha)
- 3rd Shanavasika
- 4th Upagupta
- 5th Dhitika
- 6th Krishna
- 7th Mahasudarshana
- Others...
The later representatives of Foundational Buddhism: The Sixteen Great Elders.
Jeff Watt 7-2018