Minor Female Deities
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Masterworks
- Name: Guhyajnana Dakini, Guhya Jnana Dakini
- Mindrolling Tradition
- Lelung Zhepai Dorje
- Nyima Zhonnu
- Red Deities
- Confusions: Kurukulla, Vajrayogini
- Others...
Video: Guhyajnana Dakini
Study Topics:
- Description
- Origins: Vajrasana
- Lineages: Taglung, Jonang, Mindrolling, Lelung
According to the lineage from the Rinjung Gyatsa of Taranata (1575-1635) the Guhyajnana originated in India with an abbot of Vajrasana. He also included the ritual practice in that text of the late 16th or early 17th century. The practice was also popularized by Terdag Lingpa (1646-1714) and Lochen Dharmashri (1654-1718) in the late 17th and very early 18th century. In the 18th century Lelung Zhepai Dorje (1697-1740) took up the practice according to the Mindrolling tradition.
"The Secret Wisdom Dakini, red in colour, with one face and four hands, the two feet in a dancing posture atop a lotus, with a mixed expression of anger and desire. The two rights hands hold a curved knife and sword. The two left hands hold a skullcup filled with blood and a trident, naked, hair hanging loose, adorned with a garland of heads and bones. In the heart is Avalokiteshvara, red in colour, seated on a moon seat, holding a pearl necklace and lotus." (bod brgyud nang bstan lha tshogs chen mo bzhugs so, 2001. ISBN 7-5420-0816-1. Page 318-319).
Lineage of Teachers:
Jnana Dakini, Durtropa Chenpo, Dorje Denpa, Lato Marpo, Gyagom Repa, Sanggye Yarjon, Sanggye On, Lha Rinpoche, Lha Wangchug Pal, Ripa Konchog Pal, Togden Konchog Gyaltsen, Lodro Rinchen, Dondrub Rinchen, Chopel Zangpo, Khar Drung, Tsokye Dorje, Kunga Tashi, [Taranata]. (Volume 2, folio 293). (Sadhana text, folio 441-442).
Jeff Watt & Karma Gellek 11-2019