Pancha Raksha Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Art History Description (below)
- Masterworks
- Visual Outline
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Mandala
- Regions
- Wood Panel Set
- Early Period: 11th to 14th century
- Middle Period: 15th to 17th century
- Late Period: 18th to present
- Confusions
- Others...
- Pancha Raksha: Introduction
- Pancha Raksha: Continued
- Pancha Raksha: A Masterwork Painting
- Mahamayuri
- The Five Pancha Raksha (Bari):
- Maha Pratisara: Four faces, eight hand, yellow in colour.
- Maha Sahasrapramardini: One face, six hands, white in colour.
- Mahamayuri: Three faces, six hands, green in colour.
- Sitavati: One face, four hands, red in colour
- Mantramanudharani: One face, four hands, blue in colour.
Database Search: All Images | Paintings | Sculpture | Mandalas
Jeff Watt [updated 12-2020]
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).