Sherab Chamma Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Outline Page
- Appearance & Composition
--- Solitary
--- Five Deity
--- Thirteen Deity
--- Multiple Deity
--- Mandala
--- Standing
- Satrig Ersang
- Four Transcendent Lords
- Bon Peaceful Deities Page
- Confusions: Tara, Satrig Ersang
- Others...
Video: Sherab Chamma
Main Attributes:
- Vase
- Mirror
- Yungdrung
Description & Attributes: Peaceful in appearance and either yellow, orange or white in colour, Sherab Chamma has one face and two hands. The right hand typically holds a vase to the heart, or the lower right side, and the left a mirror in the upraised left hand. Sometimes the attributes are reversed (HAR #85557, #200029).
Posture: She sits in either a meditation posture or a relaxed posture with the right leg extended and the left drawn in. There are two known visual depictions of Sherab Chamma in a standing posture, one is a painting and the other a sculpture (HAR #77189, #85747). Early textual references are also found that describe the standing figure. Observing the images in the HAR database twelve (12) figures are seated in meditation posture, four (4) are in a relaxed posture and two (2) are either standing or dancing. Figures seated in meditation posture: HAR #57333, #65397, #66762, #70117, #73117, #78402, #81493, #81619, #85519, #85535, #85581, #200029. Figures seated in a relaxed posture: HAR #73116, #85548, #85557, #200009.
Attribute Variations: Two images depict her with a yungdrung either on the right side or in the right hand and a vase at the left side (HAR #81619, #200009).
Database Search: All Images | Painting | Sculpture
Jeff Watt 9-2022
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).