Himalayan Art Resources

Subject: Female Deities - Green

Deity Colours

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Study Topics:
1. Primary Figures
2. Secondary Figures
3. Colour Variations
4. Multi-coloured Deities
- Confusions
- Others...

Video: Female Deities That Are Green

1. Primary Figures Deity List:
- Janguli
- Lakshmi Riding a Lion
- Mahamayuri
- Mahashri
- Parnashavari
- Shringkhala
- Sipai Gyalmo (Ugya Chagtong)
- Tara
- Vajra Mantra
- Others...

2. Secondary Figures:
- Ghashmari (Hevajra Mandala)
- Karma Dakini (Chakrasamvara Mandala)
- Offering Goddesses (General Tantra)
- Tekar Drozangma (Tseringma Five Sisters)
- Trulpa'i Mamo De Nga (Tagla Membar Kyil Kor)
- Vajravarahi, Karma (Chakrasamvara/Vajrayogini Mandalas)
- Yugu Chesum (Three Sisters)
- Others...

3. Colour Variations:
- Green
- Light Green
- Dark Green
- Blue Green
- Half Green (vertical orientation)
- Other...

In Tantric literature the colour green is believed to be the union of all four principal colours and therefore represents all four activities: peaceful, increasing, powerful and wrathful.

Neither the Suryagupta or Atisha traditions of the Twenty-one Taras appear to have any figures that are green in colour.

Jeff Watt 11-2023

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).