Shakyamuni Life Story Main PageDatabase Search: All Images
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Composition Description (below)
- Masterworks
- Life Story, Confession & Arhats
- Register Composition (Early Paintings)
- Floating Figure Composition
- Painting Comparison (Nepalese Style)
- Confusions
- Others...
The selection below depicts the Life Story of Shakyamuni Buddha in a single composition rather than in an extensive set of paintings. Most of the examples begin the life story at the top right side and move downward in a clockwise direction ending at the top left side, or the very top of the composition.
Contrary to the norm HAR #74033 begins at the middle left and proceeds counter-clockwise to the middle right of the painting. The upper half of the composition depicts the Thirty-five Confession Buddhas and the Sixteen Great Elders. Other counter-clockwise compositions: HAR #30847, #31304.
Jeff Watt 3-2017