Shambhala Kings (King Appearance)
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Seven Kings
- Twenty-five Vidyadhara
- Shambhala Kings Iconography
- Shambhala Kings Main Page
- Khyenri Style & Tradition Painting
- Confusions
- Others...
Video: Shambhala Kings (MFA Boston)
The MFA Boston collection has twenty-three paintings from this Shambhala set of likely thirty-three paintings which includes the Seven Kings, Twenty-Five Vidyadhara and Shakyamuni Buddha at the center or beginning of the lineage depending on exhibition placement. (See the Atisha Twenty-one Tara set (MFA Boston) and the Suryagupta Twenty-one Tara set (Tibet Museum, Lhasa), both in a Khyenri style painting).
Jeff Watt [updated 12-2020]