Painting Traditions & Styles- Art History
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- Khyenri Style Painting
- Khyenri Style Painting (HAR on Patreon [18 min.])
- Painting Set 3: Palace Museum
The Khyenri painting tradition & style (中文) is a central Tibetan artistic movement originating with the painter Khyentse Chenmo of Gongkar Chode Monastery (15th century). The original Khyenri painting tradition is most closely associated with and influenced by the murals of Gyantse Kumbum and Monastery. There are two very common subjects of Khyenri painting, (1) peaceful deities and teachers and (2) wrathful deities. Khyenri painting style is known for a bright palette, attention to small detail, portrait like faces and almost perfect circles of light or flame surrounding the deities. Transparent halos are often found with the various Khyenri mahasiddha and arhat paintings sets.
Study Topics:
- Original Khyenri
- Late Khyenri
- Variations, Mixed Styles & Palpung Khyenri
Study Topics (Alternate):
- Original Khyenri
- 16/17th century Khyenri
- Painting Sets
- Late Styles, Variations & Palpung
Jeff Watt 5-2000 [updated 1-2016, 5-2017, 4-2020, 6-2024]