Saraha Masterworks
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Biography
- Eight Siddha System
- Mandalas & the Eight Siddhas
- Eight Siddhas Page
- Palpung Set (Situ)
- Identifiable Mahasiddhas
- Five Contexts
- Study Guide
- Confusions: Saroruhavajra, Shavaripa, Brahmanarupa Mahakala
- Others...
Video: Mahasiddha Saraha
Saraha was a brahmin arrowsmith and the Vajrayana teacher of Arya Nagarjuna and others. He popularized the Chakrasamvara and Guhyasamaja cycles of practice and taught a series of mystic mahamudra songs known as the King, Queen and People's dohas.
Saraha is recognized by long hair and beard, often white in colour, and an arrow held in the two hands. He sits in a relaxed posture and wears lay clothing. Sometimes Saraha is depicted in siddha appearance with a skull crown and bone ornaments. If the hand attributes are missing he will then appear similar to Brahmanarupa Mahakala. Saraha is included among the identifiable siddhas because of the arrow he holds. This is a unique attribute and not confused with any other siddhas from the five or more systems of the Eight-four Great Mahasiddhas or the system of the Eight Siddhas.
Chakrasamvara Lineage, Abisheka, Root Tantra and Commentary: Vajradhara, Vajrapani, Maha Brahmin Saraha, Acharya Nagarjuna, The Protector Shavari, Luipa, Darikapa, Vajra Ghantapa, Kumarapada, Jalandharapa, Krishnapa, Guhyapa, Nampar Gyalwai Shap, The Acharya Barmai Lobpon, Tilopa, Naropa, (the two) Pamtingpa Kuche Nyi, Lama Lokkya Sherab Tseg, Lama Mal Lotsawa, The Lord of Dharma Sakyapa (1092-1158).
The Guhyasamaja Lineage of the Arya Cycle: Vajradhara, Vajrapani, Raja Indrabhuti, Lho Chog Gyatsoi Lhu, Lhule Jungwai Yeshe kyi Khandroma, Odyana Bishi Gyalpo, Vishukalpa, Maha Brahmin Saraha, Acharya Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Acharya Dawa Dragpa, Lopai Vajra, Chopawa, Padeva, Palwe, Vidya Bhadra, Devakara, Lama Go Lotsawa, Upa Geser, Nang Khaupa Kuche, The Lord of Dharma Sakyapa, Khau Dorje Dudjom, Jetsun Chenpo, Choje Pandita, Lama Chokyi Gyalpo Rinpoche (1235-1280).
Acquiring the Chaitya Lineage of Acarya Aryadeva: Vajradhara, Shri Vajrapani, Maha Brahmin Saraha, Master Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Bhikshu Kanhapada, Master Chandrakirti, Dramze Padzin, Gayadhara, (etc. the same as from the Margapala Lineage).
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Jeff Watt [updated 2-2019, 2-2021]