Bon Religion Main Page Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Tonpa Shenrab
--- Six Lords of Discipline (Dulwa Shendrug)
--- Twelve Ritual Deities (Choga Chunyi)
- The Four Transcendent Lords
- Deities
--- Outline
--- Peaceful
--- Wrathful
--- Peaceful & Wrathful
--- Kandroma
--- Protectors Main Page, Outline
- Bon/Buddhist Shared Deities
- Bon Sarma Deities
- Masterworks
- Confusions: Buddhist Iconography
- Others...
Videos: Bon Religion
Four Study Topics:
- Tonpa Shenrab
- Four Transcendent Lords
- Miscellaneous Deities
- Protectors
There are three broad categories of deities in the Bon religion which include the emanations of [1] Tonpa Shenrab, followed by the [2] Peaceful Deities and then the [3] Wrathful Deities.
Jeff Watt 2-2016 [updated 5-2017]