Sengge Dradog MasterworksSubjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Masterworks
- Dege Block Print Images
- Eight Forms Main Page
- Eight Forms Outline
- Vajrapani Comparison
- Confused Visual Subjects
- Confusions: Krodha Vajrapani
- Others...
- Sengge Dradog Introduction
- Sengge Dradog Cataloguing (HAR on Patreon [8 min.])
Posture & Composition:
- Posture:
--- Front Pose
--- Dynamic Pose
- Composition:
--- Single
--- Set
--- Solitary Figure (Single or set)
--- Life Story w/ Eight Forms
--- Twenty-five Disciples (set)
--- Eighty-Four Mahasiddhas (set)
- Others...
Sengge Dradog is one of the eight forms of Padmasambhava and represents a specific narrative from the life story. He is typically blue in colour, wrathful in appearance with one face and two arms. The right hand holds a gold vajra sceptre. The left hand performs a wrathful gesture. In a standing posture he can have either the right or left leg straight while standing atop a lotus and surrounded by the flames of pristine awareness.
Database Search: All Images
Jeff Watt [updated 8-2018, 1-2020, 7-2024]