Akshobhya Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Mahayana Buddhism:
--- Nirmanakaya/Buddha Appearance
--- Narrative Painting
--- Abhirati Pureland
--- Akshobhya Buddha (Vajra on Right Side)
- Vajrayana Buddhism:
--- Nirmanakaya/Buddha Appearance (Atisha)
--- Sambhogakaya/Peaceful Deity Appearance
--- Five Symbolic Buddhas
--- Akshobhya as a Dzogchen Buddha: HAR #52348065
- Confusions: Shakyamuni Buddha
- Others...
- Akshobhya Buddha: An Introduction (HAR on Patreon [20 minutes])
- Akshobhya Buddha
- Shakyamuni & Akshobhya: A Confusion About the Vajra Scepter
There are two main appearance types for Akshobhya:
- Buddha Appearance (nirmanakaya)
- Peaceful Appearance (sambhogakaya)
Unique Iconography:
- Buddha Appearance
- Peaceful Appearance
- Blue colour (some variations are found)
- Right hand extended in the earth touching gesture
- Left hand supporting a vajra scepter
- Elephant supported throne
Vajrayana Buddhism:
- Akshobhya (Solitary, Kriya Tantra)
- Akshobhya Nine Deity Mandala (Primary Figure)
- Akshobhya (Tattvasamgraha Tantra, Secondary Figure)
- Akshobhya (Sarva Durgati Parishodhana Tantra, Secondary Figure)
- Akshobhya with Consort Mamaki (Five Symbolic Buddhas)
- Revealed Treasure
- Others...
"Arising in the eastern direction is Akshobhya on an elephant, lotus and moon throne; with a body blue in colour the right hand is placed in the mudra of pressing down." (Dragpa Gyaltsen, 1147-1216).
Occupying a central role in Vajrayana Buddhism, Akshobhya, by some accounts, is Lord of the 2nd of the Five Buddha Families of tantra and found throughout all 4 tantra classifications most notably in the anuttarayoga class. Akshobhya is also mentioned in several Mahayana sutras, the Vimalakirti Nirdesa being the most famous. It was in Abhirati, the pureland of Akshobhya, attainable only by 8th level bodhisattvas, where the famous Tibetan yogi Milarepa and the scholar Sakya Pandita are said to have obtained complete buddhahood.
Database Search: All Images | Painting | Sculpture | Mandala
Jeff Watt 9-99 [updated 10-2008, 7-2013, 5-2017, 1-2020]
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).