Himalayan Art Resources

Subject: Abhayadatta Shri Mahasiddha System

Systems of Mahasiddhas

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Outline
- Abhayadatta/Abhayakara Gupta Page
- Lineage of Transmission
- Masterworks
- Confusions: Abhaya, Abhayadatta Shri, Abhayakara, Abhayakara Gupta
- Others...

Painting and Mural Sets
- Apo Manuscript images
- Hemis Monastery Murals, Ladakh, India
- Jonang Tradition set
- Mongolian Blockprint set
- Mongolian Painting set
- Sera Monastery Set
- Shawo Thar Set
- Palpung Style Composition
- Tibet House, New Delhi, India
- Zanabazar Museum, Mongolia
- Tethong Family Set (See Book Review)
- Miscellaneous Sets
- Others...

The Eighty-four Mahasiddha of Abhayadatta Shri (Abhayakara Gupta) is a system of enumerating and describing the eighty-four siddha based on the text called The History of the Eighty-four Mahasiddha (Tibetan: grub thob brgyad bcu tsa bzhi'i lo rgyus) by the Indian scholar Abhayadatta Shri (12th century).

Alternate Lineage:
- Abhayakara Gupta (1064-1125)
- Tsami Lotsawa Mondrub Sherab (between 1050 & 1150)
- Ga Lotsawa Zhonnu Pel (1105-1198)

Tibetan text in PDF format: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Color images from the Apo Manuscript.

List of Names: Tibetan and English names from Masters of Mahamudra (Pdf list).

The images below portray various central figures surrounded by the Eighty-four Great Adepts (mahasiddha) of India according to the textual system of Abhayadatta Shri.

Jeff Watt [updated 3-2019]

bod brgyud nang bstan lha tshogs chen mo bzhugs so, 2001. ISBN 7-5420-0816-1. Pages 839-939.

(The images below are only a selection of examples taken from the links above).