Lamdre Lineage Outline | Sakya Outline PageThe Lamdre is a system of philosophical and meditation techniques based primarily, but not exclusively, on the Hevajra cycle of Tantras. The Lamdre, as it is known in Tibetan, and the Margapala in Sanskrit, translates into English as the Path Together with the Result (in brief The Path and Result). Lamdre as a system of Buddhist Tantric practice is based on a text believed to be written or dictated by the mahasiddha Virupa in the 9th century and passed down through his two principal disciples Kanha and Dombi Heruka.
The list below is the standard list used presently (20th century) by the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. There are many lineage variations depending on the sub tradition such as Ngor, Tsar, Bulug, Dzongpa and others. There can also be differences between monasteries or teaching lines such as with Pagmodrubpa or the more recent Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo.
1. Vajradhara
2. Vajra Nairatmya
3. Virupa (837-909 approx.)
4. Kanhapa
5. Damarupa
6. Avadhutipa
7. Gayadhara (994-1043)
8. Drogmi Lotsawa (992-1072)
9. Seton Kunrig (1025-1113)
10. Shangton Chobar (1053-1136)
11. Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158)
12. Lobpon Sonam Tsemo (1142-1182)
13. Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen (1147-1216)
14. Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen (1182-1251)
15. Chogyal Pagpa Lodro Gyaltsen (1235-1280)
16. Shang Konchog Pal (1240-1308)
17. Dragpugpa (1277-1350)
18. Lama Palden Tsultrim (1333-1399)
19. Buddha Shri (1339-1419)
20. Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo (1382-1456)
21. Muchen Sempa Chenpo (1388-1469)
22. Gyaltsab Kunga Wangchug (1418-1462?)
23. Gorampa Sonam Sengge (1429-1489)
24. Konchog Pel (1445-1514)
25. Sangye Rinchen (1453-1524)
26. Salo Jampal Dorje (1485-1555)
27. Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup (1497-1557)
28. Ngagchang Kunga Rinchen (1517-1584)
29. Konchog Gyatso (1510-1586)
30. Jamyang Sonam Wangpo (1559-1621)
31. Dragpa Lodro (1563-1617)
32. Muchen Sanggye Gyaltsen (1573-1618)
33. Kunga Sonam (1597-1659)
34. Sonam Wangchug (1638-1685)
35. Kunga Tashi (1656-1711)
36. Sonam Rinchen (1705-1741)
37. Ngagchang Kunga Lodro (1729-1783)
Sakya Lineage:
38. Ngarig Kunga Tashi (1754-1817)
39. Pema Dudul Wangchug (1792-1853)
40. Tashi Rinchen (1823-1865)
41. Kunga Nyingpo Sampel Norbu (1850-1899)
42. Dragshul Tinley Rinchen (1871-1936)
43. Khenchen Jampal Zangpo (1901-1961)
44. Sakya Trizin Ngagwang Kunga (b.1945)
Ngorpa Lineage: from Ngagchang Kunga Lodro
38. Thartse Panchen Namkha Chime (1765-1820)
39. Kunga Tenzin (1776-1862)
40. Kunga Tenpa'i Gyaltsen (1829-1870)
41. Ngagwang Sonam Gyaltsen (183?-189?)
42. Ngagwang Lodro Nyingpo (184?-?)
43. Khangsar Khenchen Ngagwang Shenpen Nyingpo (1876-1953)
44. Sakya Trizin Ngawang Kunga (b.1945)
Jeff Watt [updated 8-2017]