Jinasagara Masterworks
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- Mitra Yogin Tradition
- Rechung Tradition
- Mindrolling Tradition
- Avalokiteshvara Iconography
- Confusions: Amitayus with consort, Pema Lingpa Tradition
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- Jinasagara Lokeshvara
- All Lokeshvara Videos
White or Red Avalokiteshvara, Ocean of Conquerors (Tibetan: chen re zi gyal wa gya tso. Sanskrit: Jinasagara Avalokiteshvara): a meditational deity that has several different forms and lineage traditions. The first is the tradition of Mitra Yogin followed primarily by the Karma Kagyu (Kamtsangpa) and Gelug Schools. Rechungpa, the famous student of Milarepa, returned from India with a number of different versions of Jinasagara.
In the 17th century the Mindrolling Tradition of the Nyingma popularized a form of Jinasagara known as the Minling De Kun. In the later part of the century Lelung Zhepa'i Dorje popularized an entire cycle of meditations and teachings focusing exclusively on the female deity Guhyajnana Dakini.
Four authors stand out as significant contributors to the tradition of Jinasagara, several Shamar incarnations, especially (1) Konchog Yanlag, (2) Karma Chagme, (3) Minling Gyurme Dorje and (4) the 3rd Panchen Lama Palden Yeshe.
The lineage of the Five Deity Jinasagara, an earlier form of the practice popular in the Karma Kagyu Tradition, dates to the time of the 2nd Karmapa Karma Pakshi and lists the teachers as: Dharmakaya Amitabha, Sambhogakaya Avalokiteshvara, Nirmanakaya Padmasambhava, Machig Drupa'i Gyalmo (Siddhirajni), Tebu Drime Shenyen, Rechung Dorje Drag, Lama Zangri Repa, Drogon Repa Chenpo, Gyalse Punya Vajra, Drupchen Karma Pakshi - the 2nd Karmapa, etc.
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Jeff Watt 8-2014 [updated 3-2019, 2-2020]