Simhamukha Main PageSubjects, Topics & Types:
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There are other figures represented in art that also have a lion face, both male and female. These figures, in some cases, can also be called Simhamukha but are secondary figures in the retinue of a principal meditational deity or are worldly gods and deities. Most notably is the lion-faced attendant to Shri Devi, commonly depicted following the donkey or mule. There is also a lion-faced attendant in the fifty-eight wrathful deities of the Guhyagarbha Tantra.
Gelugpa Lineage: Vajradhara, Dakini Simhamukha, Vajrasana, Bari Lotsawa Rinchen Drag, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158) and the five Holy Superiors of Sakya, Rongpa Dorje Gyaltsen, Sanggye Yeshe, Yak De Panchen, Gyalwa Tsongkapa (1357-1419), etc.
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Jeff Watt 6-1998 [updated 10-2016, 4-2017, 2-2020]