Eight Siddhas List
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Biography
- Masterworks
- Three Siddhas (Lu Nag Dril Sum)
- Mandalas & the Eight Siddhas
- Source literature:
- Writings
- Identifiable Mahasiddhas
- Five Contexts
- Study Guide
- Confusions: Tilopa, Lilapa, Lawapa
- Others...
Video: Mahasiddha Luipa
Key Points:
- Important for tantric lineages & teachings (Sakya, Kagyu)
- Named in the Eighty-four Great Siddha sets
- Named in the Eight Great Siddha Sets
- Easily recognizable: fish entrails, fish
The Sri Lankan teacher Luipa is most famous for popularizing the Chakrasamvara cycle of practices. He is included in both the Abhayakara Gupta and Vajrasana systems for enumerating the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas and the Eight Siddha System. He is also included in the Tibetan number set known as the 'Lu Nag Dril Sum,' the Three Siddhas: Luipa, Krishnacharin and Ghantapa who are the principal progenitors of the Chakrasamvara teachings in Tibet.
Among the various sets and systems of the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas, Luipa is the first name listed in the Abhakara Gupta, Sakya/Shalu and Gyantse murals sets. If a careful study is conducted, he may also be first in several of the other mural sets.
Context in Art:
- Lineage Depiction (Chakrasamvara, Vajrayogini, others)
- Eighty-four Mahasiddhas
- Eight Siddhas
- Mandalas & the Eight Siddhas
- Dagpo Kagyu Lineage
- Others...
Luipa's only identifiable characteristic or attribute are the fish entrails that are held in the hand, or that he is eating. He appears as a lay person although some painting traditions such as the New Menri often depict him in siddha appearance, disheveled, with bone ornaments.
Chakrasamvara Lineage, Abisheka, Root Tantra and Commentary: Vajradhara, Vajrapani, Maha Brahmin Saraha, Acharya Nagarjuna, The Protector Shavari, Luipa, Darikapa, Vajra Ghantapa, Kumarapada, Jalandharapa, Krishnapa, Guhyapa, Nampar Gyalwai Shap, The Acharya Barmai Lobpon, Tilopa, Naropa, (the two) Pamtingpa Kuche Nyi, Lama Lokkya Sherab Tseg, Lama Mal Lotsawa, The Lord of Dharma Sakyapa (1092-1158).
Vajramala Sixty-two Deity Chakrasamvara Abhisheka Lineage, Fifteen Deity Vajra Nairatma, Eleven Deity Holy Vajra Tara Abhisheka, Fifteen Deity Kurukulle Abhisheka, Nineteen Deity Manjuvajra Abhisheka, Together with their Branches: Vajradhara, Jnana Dakini, Acharya Luipa, Acharya Tengipa, Vajra Ghantapa, Jalandharapa, Anupama Shri, Shubhakara Gupta, Ananda, Karagupta, Pujarita, Pandita Ratna Rakshita, Lama Lowo Lotsawa, Lama Chokyi Gyalpo.
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Jeff Watt [updated 11-2021]