(1997) Mandala: The Architecture of Enlightenment
Devoted to the multiple manifestations of the mandala throughout Asia. (The Asia Society).
A New Ceiling for the Roof of the World
Mustang: Thubchen Gompa. By Broughton Coburn.
Architecture in the Himalayas
Architecture as depicted in paintings and murals along with photos of structures represented in art.
The Art of Conservation
Coming out of the closet about subjectivity and contradictions in an architect's conservation practice. By Erich Theophile.
Buddhist Art & Architecture
Tangkas, mandalas, mudras and stupas.
China Exploration & Research Society (CERS) and Kham Aid Foundation
Chortens in Amdo: A Photographic Album
by Rob Linrothe, photographed between January and March 2002.
Cityscapes & Monastery Paintings
Painted depictions of monasteries and cities as the central subject and as details in the surroundings.
Conserving Tibetan Art and Architecture
China Exploration & Research Society (CERS) and Kham Aid Foundation.
The Creatures of the Rain Rivers, Cloud Lakes
The Creatures of the Rain Rivers, Cloud Lakes: Newars Saw Them, So Did Ancient India by Gautama V. Vajracharya. The magnificent works of the Newar artists and architects of the Kathmandu valley include not only paintings, sculptures, residential houses, public building and royal palaces but also water fountains comfortably positioned in public places near the residential area or inside the palaces.
Documentation of Mongolian Buddhist Structures
Drathang Monastery
(Restoration project)
Gandan Monastery, Mongolia
Gongkar Chode Monastery
(Restoration project)
The John C. & Susan L.Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Related Art
A photographic research and teaching archive.
Karsha's Chuchikjyal Temple
Stabilizing the structure of the temple in Karsha, Zangskar, by Rob Linrothe.
Kathmandu City Map: Panoramic and Interactive
Guaranteed to entertain.
Kham Aid Foundation
Conservation of Art and Architecture.
Lhasa, Tibet
A survey of the museums, architecture and temples of Lhasa and the surrounding area.
The Life of Zanabazar (Yeshe Dorje)
The subsequent Mongolian incarnations of Jonang Taranata.
The Lukhang Temple
(Restoration project)
The Lukhang: A Hidden Temple inTibet
A small pagoda-roofed temple on a lake behind the Potala palace, by Ian Baker and Thomas Laird.
Mandala and Temple Sacred Architecture in Tibet
Photographs by John Milton Lundquist.
Mandala and Temple Sacred Architecture in Tibet: Photographs
By John Milton Lundquist. Tibet is also a land of "power places," as a Tibetan phrase expresses: mountains, valleys, rocks, caves, rivers and lakes are scattered with sacred Buddhist structures such as temples, chapels within monasteries and chortens, which are shrines also known as stupas.
Map of Nepal & Kathmandu Valley
Showing the main towns and the two stupas of Boudhnath and Swaymbhu.
Murals of Tibet
Murals are the heart and breath of Tibetan painting and serve as an anchor for the study of Himalayan and Tibetan Art History.
Namseling Manor
(Restoration project)
A survey of popular Nepalese art types and subjects, primarily of the Kathmandu Valley.
Palpung Mural Rescue
by Pamela Logan. China Exploration & Research Society and Kham Aid Foundation.
Photovalet (Tibet)
Images of Cities/Architecture: Tibet, Images by Jo Sanders, Don Carroll, Scott Jordan, Lawrence Stoller, and Photovault.
The Queen's Chorten: Karsha Temple, Zangskar
The "Queen's" Chorten is located in Karsha, Zanskar, immediately in front of the Chuchikjyal temple. While the latter structure predates its ca. 14th century paintings by a century or two, the "Queen's" Chorten is reliably dated by inscriptions on its own paintings (translated by the Karsha Lonpo and Lama Angchuk) to the second half of the 16th century.
Rithang Monastery
(Restoration project)
Sekhar Guthok
(Milarepa's Tower - restoration project)
Shalu Association
To help protect the Cultural Heritage of Tibet and restore important sites.
Shalu Monastery
(Restoration project)
Stupa or Chorten: the Buddha's Presence
Stupas range in size from miniatures meant to be put on a shrine as reliquary and/or a remembrance of the mind of the Buddha, to enormous buildings that serve as temples as well as monuments.
Stupa: Reliquary Mounds
Arising historically from the chaitya (funerary mounds) of early Buddhism and symbolically from the tope (ushnisha), bundle of hair, on the crown of the Buddha's head, the stupa is viewed as a physical representation of the unseen enlightened mind of a Buddha - incorporating both the blueprint for the path to enlightenment and enlightenment itself.
Tashi Kabum: A Cave Temple associated with Luri Gompa in Upper Mustang, Nepal
By Gary McCue. The Tashi Kabum site consists of a half dozen caves dug into the ridge side about 50m above the valley floor. The sgo-nyer explained that according to local legend there are seven (or nine) cave temples containing chortens.
The Tibet Album
The Tibet Album presents more than 6000 photographs spanning 30 years of Tibet's history. These extraordinary photographs are a unique record of people long gone and places changed beyond all recognition. They also document the ways that British visitors encountered Tibet and Tibetans.
Tibet Site Seminar
The Tibet Site Seminar is a four-year project culminating in a one-month site-seminar in central and western Tibet scheduled for the summer of 2007. By targeting the recent opening of Tibet and by building collaboration between disciplines, the seminar will offer unprecedented research opportunities to a new generation of Ph.D. students. Aimed at furthering the development of art history and Buddhist studies, the Tibet Site Seminar brings together faculty from east and west in an interdisciplinary and collaborative effort.
Tibetan Heritage Fund & Lhasa Archive Project
Supervising the restoration of ancient Tibetan buildings.
Yemar Temple
(Restoration project)